Bull on behalf of the Church of Moycullen A.D. 1496

Moycullen Historical Society

Read in audience . …….

Alexander the Bishop, servant of the servants of God, (sends) greeting and apostolic blessing to his venerable brother, bishop of Clonfert and to his beloved son, David de Burgh, Canon of the Church of Clonfert.

By the humble prayers of suppliants we send our annual wishes willingly and these   we accompany with due support. A petition has been shown to us recently , on the part of the beloved sons of the Guardiani and the holy Church of St. Nicholas of Galway town, of the diocese of Enachdune and of the 8 perpetual vicarages in the   same (area), which showed that though the perpetual vicarage of the parochial Church of Moycullen, of the said diocese, stood as one to the Church of St. Nicholas under   the one control, yet the beloved son, Maurice O’Flaherty, behaving as a cleric, (and) asserting the same vicarage to (belong) to him, on the basis of certain apostolic letters or others, belonging in law, those same (men) of the ward and vicars too, by seeking to assess for himself vicarages, said he was clearly appointed by the beloved son, Milo O’Kennedy, Canon of Tuam, and was deemed a capable judge.

He brought the case, and the same Milo – proceeding wrongly in that case – brought in a judgement (that was) positive for the same Maurice and unfair against Guardianus and the said vicars, and by which there was a call to the apostolic seat on the part of   the ward and same vicars; but these same people – as they had been restrained – had no call of this type and within a due time were prosecuted; wherefore, on the part of the Guardians and the same vicars, there has been a humble appeal to us, that – with   the lapse of said time not impeding – after and against that attempt and change of the said letters and any others (that were) obtained thro’ Maurice himself in any way, of the theft of these and of each and every other thro’ the said Mylo & Maurice, and any other judges and persons, to the detriment of the Guardian and vicars and the Church   of St. Nicholas, and of any deeds, null and void in nature, and of the main business, and each and all which the said Guardian and vicars intend to move against the said Maurice, his bel oved sons (8) noblemen William de Burgh and his sons and brothers living at home and certain relatives and Thadeus Mc/0′ , Brian Flahartay, Richard   alias Ristard de Burgh and whoever other priests and lay-people beyond the rectory, and by the vicars of this type, and with loss, damage and injury to the same Guardian and vicars and to the Church of St. Nicholas, with other rectors and permanent vicars and ecclesiastic favours to the same church of St. Nicholas similarly united, and with the chance not owing (that has been) given and with other things both shared and divided, we deem it worthy to commit the cases to some worthy men in those parts and to see to others at a suitable time.

We, therefore, influenced by pleas of this type, by your discretion, through apostolic script, order in so far as you or one of you be supported in truth if any obstacle be advanced by the said clerics and laity for Maurice or by any who had to be called; indeed, learning about the main business of this type that was just, with an appeal removed, you should determine that in doing what you have decreed, it be firmly observed through ecclesiastic judgement.

Witnesses moreover who have been named, if they have withdrawn by fear or hatred, with a like judgement, on the ending of the summons, are to bear witness to the truth, (even if) compelled.

With the lapse of the said time, to those not obstructing, and of the happy   remembrance of Pope Boniface V I 11, our predecessor, there is a warning, less anyone be called to trial, outside his own city and diocese except in certai n important cases,   and in these beyond one span from his own diocese; and lest the judges are appointed outside the city and diocese to proceed against whoever at all;  if others – or to others – choose to commit a change, provided he (does so) beyond two spans, that one is not   be brought, by order of those present.

But if anyone from the same area has been lenient to Maurice and the same clerics and lay, or to any others collectively or separately, they are to be suspended and banned from speaking, or outside certain places they may not be called to judgement through apostolic letters not making full and express mention – word for word to then each lenient one – of this type.

This has been given at Rome at St. Peter’s in the year of our Lord 1496, 12 April, in the 4th year of our Pontificate.





This page was added on 24/02/2016.

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